[continued from Jeremiah 29:11 [part 1]
My pastor came up to me and he asked me what was wrong. At that moment, I felt incredibly vulnerable. I realized that my whole youth group had seen me break down. I realized that whatever image people had of me being a man of character and flawless integrity, and so...so, perfect in his pursuit for Christ... was gone. I felt like I was unworthy of the title "Follower of Christ".
My pastor came up to me and he asked me what was wrong. At that moment, I felt incredibly vulnerable. I realized that my whole youth group had seen me break down. I realized that whatever image people had of me being a man of character and flawless integrity, and so...so, perfect in his pursuit for Christ... was gone. I felt like I was unworthy of the title "Follower of Christ".
I felt alone.
What hit me the most was what my pastor told me. It sounds like something I should've known, but I fell into that trap of upholding the "Christian image" when it's not about how I appear on the outside as much as my relationship with God.
That relationship is going to be, at times, frustrating.
Every other word you can think of that would be in any normal human relationship. It's also the main thing that keeps me on track as a sane human being.
But it's worth it. I read a quote that said,
I think what is difficult for me is realizing that God can and does speak through the people you interact with daily, whether it be my brother, my Dad or my Mom, my friends, or even the bus driver on the way to school. Sometimes I get this image where if I have a problem in my life or an attitude that needs changing I'll get this heavenly lightning bolt and a voice from the heavens that says:
Which would be really creepy and on second thought I don't think I'd want that at all... But hey, it'd probably work.
Back to the title of this post, though.
I named it Set a Fire, because that's exactly what I want. I want a fire in my soul, one that burns out of control for You and making You known. Whether it be through my academic or athletic excellence that I attribute to God's grace giving me the talents I have, or through my personality and how easy I can forgive because of the One who forgave me.
But it's worth it. I read a quote that said,
"You never said it would be easy but you promised You'd take care of me."And it's true. Here is the catch, though; if you don't trust Him to get you through it you won't follow His path. That's why we can't get through our problems by ourselves. I'm learning this day by day. Hopefully I'm getting better at it.
I think what is difficult for me is realizing that God can and does speak through the people you interact with daily, whether it be my brother, my Dad or my Mom, my friends, or even the bus driver on the way to school. Sometimes I get this image where if I have a problem in my life or an attitude that needs changing I'll get this heavenly lightning bolt and a voice from the heavens that says:
Which would be really creepy and on second thought I don't think I'd want that at all... But hey, it'd probably work.
Back to the title of this post, though.
I named it Set a Fire, because that's exactly what I want. I want a fire in my soul, one that burns out of control for You and making You known. Whether it be through my academic or athletic excellence that I attribute to God's grace giving me the talents I have, or through my personality and how easy I can forgive because of the One who forgave me.
Set a fire down in my soul. That I can’t contain and I can’t control. Cause I want more of You God. I want more of You God. Kindle that flame. Burning deep, deep down. Change me, make me new.
From The Inside Out.