Summer is coming to a close, and it's time to look back.
This will be my last summer as a teenager. It feels like there is still so much more to learn, so much more to so much of life has already passed me by. People tell me that these years, both coming and past, are going to be the best of my life. I find that strange, because most of these years will be spent trying to figure out my life. How exactly is that fun? But that's another story.
I've learned a lot this summer.
- I learned about patience, trust, honesty, the importance of good friends... but the one I found the most important was how to seek God in the hardest times, the times where you wonder what His plan is for your life. The times where you don't even have words to describe the cry of your heart. The times where you wonder if there is a God that hears you at all. I realized that He was, is, and will always be there. Always.
- This summer I relearned how to pray. I realized that I was far from a perfect Christian, and that I needed God's help just as much as every other sinner in the world.
- I realized I wasn't, and will never be, "Superman"; that I can't fix everyone's problems. I learned how to really listen. I learned how to sit by someone when they are hurting. I learned how to be honest with my own feelings.
- I learned what it meant to love someone. I realized that love is an effort, an action, and that love is not some blind force, but a part of the way God made us; therefore, it's something to be treasured and treated with care. I learned that love is something you show as well as something you feel. Something you work towards and less of something you leave to chance. Something that glorifies God and builds up the other person.
- I learned to see myself as valuable, not based on the perceptions of the world, but from the opinion of the Father who created me, and sees me as forever precious and beautiful.
I wish I could just throw all my feelings about this summer onto this keyboard and type it out onto here...but it's impossible. How can you type feelings; memories; tears; or laughter? Who can write a smile onto a webpage? Trying to craft these emotions into something tangible is a task best left done to the most skilled of writers...I am but a student who posts ideas and thoughts mainly from his heart; occasional input from his mind, and counsel from the Father Almighty.
I wonder when I look back on this note, 2, 3, even 5 years from now, where will I be? What would I have accomplished? What will God have brought me through? What will God bring me into?
Like I said, this is my last teenage summer. Adulthood is already upon me, and I'm still not 100% sure who I am. I'm sure of this though:
God isn't through with me yet. If I keep seeking Him, it is there I will find my own soul; my identity. My... me.
So, God.
Where to? Take me where you want me. Your servant is listening.
--Jeffrey Chidiebere Ekeanyanwu